The Mills 荃灣 南豐紗廠

The Mills 城市中文化綠洲 - 荃灣南豐紗廠

The Mills is a landmark revitalization project from Nan Fung Group completed in 2018. A destination consisting of a business incubator, experiential retail, and a non-profit cultural institution may be relatively unfamiliar to Hong Kong people; yet you will discover from The Mills’ vision and history that it is a purely Hong Kong story.

The Mills witnessed the manufacturing heyday in the1960s, and now carries on that legacy with a future of applied creativity and innovation. Visitors can explore the continuity of an authentic Hong Kong story, where themes of textile and industry are woven into experiences of innovation, culture, and learning.

南豐紗廠 The Mills,前稱:Nan Fung Cotton Mills,位於香港荃灣柴灣角白田壩街45號,於1954年落成,總面積逾26萬方呎,當時為香港生產量最高的紡織廠。一至三廠則在1997年拍攝香港電影《十萬火急》救火場面後拆卸,成為私人住宅翠豐臺。四至六廠直至2008年停止營運後改成貨倉。

2014年,南豐集團耗資7億將紗廠進行保育,改為創意空間The Mills。經過四年,到2018年活化工程完成後,分成「南豐作坊」、「CHAT六廠」和「南豐店堂」,並同時把三座獨立的建築物改建成單一建築群。活化工程就舊有結構進行加固工程外,亦保留原有牆身和選用舊式鐵框窗戶。中庭運用大量玻璃,頂部設天窗引進自然光。天台經加固後活化成花園。地下保留南豐紡織品牌“金杯”圖案的鐵閘。



六廠紡織文化藝術館 (CHAT六廠)


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