Origin of Chinese Characters 中國文字起源

Origin of Chinese Characters 中國文字起源

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that we know how to use words to pass knowledge and experience from one generation to the next. As a representative of morpheme characters, Chinese characters are how they were invented! Did writing appear until the Shang Dynasty? Is it true that Cangjie coined characters? In this episode, Sir Mu tells you the story of the origin of Chinese characters!

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歌神 齊聚 小龍女龍婷 Stacy Long

許冠傑 此時此處最緊要好玩 演唱會 2024 歌神 齊聚 小龍女龍婷 Stacy Long

龍婷(英語:Stacey Long,1981年4月3日—,外號旺角小龍女),香港新移民街頭歌手。其生於遼寧省瀋陽市,移居香港後曾於旺角西洋菜街的行人專用區公開演出。行人專用區撤銷後,改在中環碼頭及西九龍文化區舉行街頭表演,亦不時應邀到安老院舉行義演。2023年簽約無綫電視。其曾榮獲中國中央電視台大型選秀綜藝《星光大道》2019年度總冠軍及香港無綫電視歌唱選秀節目《中年好聲音》第四名兼「觀眾最愛好聲音」兩獎項。Wikipedia

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