【一起】劉諾生 John Laudon

【一起】劉諾生 John Laudon



衷心感謝每一位參與這次製作的朋友們——連倩妤、Michael Luk、陳青昕、阿朗、Wayne, Charlie⋯⋯,亦要極力感謝我的家庭、兒子、朋友及所有在這個城市裡曾經給予機會讓我去分享音樂和歌曲的每一位。是你們一手建立我這個住了35 年的家。

同時,更要特別感謝我在 Citybeat(城市節拍)的隊友——Daryl, Jerry, Jym 和 Chuck,還記得曾在香港街頭和你們一起唱歌夾 band⋯⋯一切都從天星碼頭和尖東開始!或者不久將來,我們可以重組演出呢!- 劉諾生

I came to Hong Kong in 1985, and flying over Kowloon City then landing on the Kai Tak runway left me breathless... ever since then, Hong Kong has been my home, the place I initially came to volunteer and help people, and where my music career started. This is also where my family started, and where our two precious sons were born and raised. 

This song expresses my heart for this amazing city, this fragrant harbour that has been and will continue to be my home. This song is also meant to encourage all of us to keep facing the challenges and obstacles that life brings.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in this project - Constance, Michael, Renee, Ah Long, Wayne, Charlie .... and also a huge thank you to my family, my sons, my friends, and all those who gave me a chance to share my music and songs in this city. You have truly made Hong Kong home for me these 35 years.

Also a special thanks to my Citybeat bandmates Daryl, Jerry, Jym, and Chuck for the awesome opportunity to sing and play together on the streets of Hong Kong… Star Ferry and TST East is where it all started! And who knows, maybe we can do a reunion gig one day! - John Laudon


作曲:John Laudon
編曲 / 監製 / 主唱:John Laudon

客機踏足啟德了 遙望鬧市 美好線條
細小萬點 發光照耀 呆呆望十秒 土佬笑了

對比現況 色彩變少 沉寂大街 似幅素描
城內剩低頹垣敗瓦了 家已變樣 身影碎了

曾一起走過笑聲遍地 和家怎分割 哪可脫離
難忍心拋棄遠走高飛 記得85年 開始銘記

這細小地方 有我的宇宙
去太子旺角 去熟悉碼頭
唱我首慢歌 人群在拍手

曾一起走過笑聲遍地 和家總需要 連繫到死
怎可以放下遠走高飛 要感恩千年 一生銘記

見證近半世紀 這城市佈滿契機
跌跌碰碰 再艱苦也一起 頑強獻技

寄盼可一再笑聲遍地 和家總需要 連繫到死
怎可以放下遠走高飛 要感恩千年 一生銘記

期待日出 出海細看 重拾舊照 已經發黃
寄予這地方 的厚望 痛苦憂傷 一起對抗
狂風過後 天清氣朗

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