HKU-Shenzhen Hospital 廣東三甲醫院

回顧港大深圳醫院十年 盧寵茂:“一國兩制”最好示範


Next year will be the 10th anniversary of the opening of the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital. As a demonstration benchmark for cooperation in the medical field between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, in just 9 years, the hospital has been approved as the first batch of 12 public hospitals in mainland China, the only public hospital for high-quality development in Shenzhen, and It is comparable to the century-old hospitals in various places, and has become the youngest top three hospital in Guangdong Province.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Congrats 10th anniversary of the opening of the University Hong Kong -Shenzhen Hospital! Blessings. Thanks for sharing :)
