YCIS - TEDx Talk 上海耀中國際學校

Life at an International School in Shanghai 
YCIS Part 2 Weekend for TEDx Talk 上海耀中

Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS Shanghai) is one of the leading international schools in China. Our unique education nurtures the talents of international children aged 2 to 18 years old. Through Kindergarten, Primary, and Secondary schools, our curriculum helps our students develop strong skills in English and Chinese and become globally-minded for a competitive future. YCIS students consistently achieve “Top in the World” academic results and outstanding extra-curricular successes. Our school is a vibrant community of students, faculty, and families coming together in a warm and collaborative way.

上海耀中外籍人員子女學校(簡稱「上海耀中」)是在中國的頂尖國際學校之一。我們獨特的教育為2-18歲的國際兒童提供發揮才能的絕佳平台。我們的課程涵蓋幼兒園、小學和中學(IGCSE & IB課程),旨在幫助學生奠定優良的中英雙語能力並培養他們的全球視野,在面對未來高度競爭的社會時能應付自如。耀中學生的世界學術成績向來名列前茅,並在課外實踐中取得有目共睹的成就。我們的學校是一個充滿活力的社群,學生、教師和家庭緊密聯繫,在溫暖的環境中群策群力,確保學生獲得良好教育,健康成長。

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